
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ainsley Is a Nerd and Xander Bats Clean-up

This morning, when we got up to get Ainsley out of bed, she ordered us out of her room.  You see, she was reading to her babies and needed to finish the story.  She'd lined them all up along her bed and sat in the center reading her book about trains.  I found this adorable.

Sean then informed me that her new ritual when she wakes up is to say "good morning" to each baby and give it a kiss.  Because she sleeps with approximately 4,000 babies (remember her bed?), this takes her forever.  Also, because I sleep like the dead and never wake up, it's what wakes Sean up every morning.
Nom Nom Nom

Today, while we were at Target I decided to get her a new plate--as we're going to need them because Mr. Big Boy is practically off baby food now; he only wants people food or a bottle.  She was given the choice between a plate with flowers, a plate with monkeys, and a plate with letters.  "Want letters," she said.

"But look, baby! This one has monkeys!  They're so funny!" I tried not to push her one way or the other--but that monkey plate was really cool. 

Alas, my child did not want monkeys, "NO. WANT LETTERS."  My kid knows what she wants.  On the way home, I let her hold her letters plate and told her she could have lunch on it today.

"Cover up letters?" she wondered.
...or Not So Nom Nom
Ainsley's "leftovers"

"Well,  yes, but then you can eat and find them again!"

"Ok!"  Her excitement made me think that maybe she'd eat better, as Ainsley's diet has been a point of discussion and concern since she was born.

We got home and I fed her hot dogs and stars with cheese--two of her favorites.  While the plate was awesome, it did not make her more inclined to eat.

Currently, she's in her bedroom "napping."  I can hear her dictating things to her babies, who knows if she'll go to sleep.

Leftovers shmeftovers
Her loss, however, is Xander's gain.  He already knew stars and cheese are awesome.  But today, he has discovered that hot dogs are also awesome!!

I honestly think that Xander is going to skip Stage III baby food altogether.  I can mash up practically anything we're eating for dinner--and it's so much cheaper.  Plus if we aren't feeding him what we're eating... He. Knows.  And he gets really ticked off if we have something that he doesn't. Lots of "MMMmmmMMMMM"ing and grabbing.

We're so lucky to have one kid who picks up the other kid's slack!

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