
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Best. Lunch. Ever.

3 out of 5 food groups ain't bad!
Me: What do you want for lunch today, Ainsley, soup? Sandwich?
Ainsley: NO SOUP. Want peanut butter sandwich sprinkles cheese.

She ate fruit for's a pajama Sunday...what the heck.  Lunch of the Gods it is, child.

Friday, February 25, 2011

"I Say Please"

This morning, Ainsley and I were working it to Just Dance 2.  Sean came down and because it was time for some Daddy Alone Time, I had to bribe Ainsley upstairs with a marshmallow heart.  That's right, I'm not above bribery. Shut you are.

Dump trucks are awesome.
Anyway, we got up here, put on the DirecTv dance channel or as I described it to Ainsley "Wii in the Olden Days," and Ainsley danced while eating her marshmallow heart.  By the way, I've decided that marshmallow peep products are awesomely perfect sweet treats for her. Small, sweet, varied in shape/color: so far she's had marshmallow trees, marshmallow chocolate bears, marshmallow I <3 Us, and now marshmallow hearts.  Easter is going to be AWESOME.

Once she finished her heart, she came over and said, "Want nother marshmallow heart."

"No, you've had your treat.  You may have another after dinner or maybe after lunch."

She furled her brow for a second, then the lightbulb went off, "Please."

"No, sweetie, just because you say please--"


"No, sweetie, please doesn't always get you what you want."

"I say please," at this point, she's just annoyed.

"Not now, baby."

At this point, she thrusts out her bottom lip and gives me an amazingly pathetic face.

"Why don't you play with Xander's dump truck instead?"

"OK!" and off she trots.  The allure of playing with one of Xander's toy is enough to quell the sugar beasts.  For now.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ainsley: "I Done Bed."

I've mentioned Ainsley's meticulous nature before...her kiddie OCD.  She likes to line things up, put things in groups, and organize things in general.

Kate and A in January 2009
Lately, she's been stepping up her game.  The hat that Xander is wearing is actually Ainsley's.  My girlfriend Kate Freeland made it for her. Ainsley loved to wear that hat. She wore it and wore it until the spirally tassels on it fell off. I tied them back on a gazillion times.  Finally she grew enough that it didn't fit her head anymore.  So, being a good Momma, I commissioned another funky hat from Grandma Parker.
The arrival of the new hat was very exciting for Ms. A. What I didn't expect was that she'd still need the old had to be used.  The other day, Xander was in his chair eating puffs.  She put on her new hat, brought me the old one and said, "Xander. On."  When I asked her if she wanted them to match, she smiled and said, "MATCH!'  I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of the two of them...but here you go. Ainsley and Xander: Lined Up.
This Tuesday while I was working on a project for one of my classes, Ainsley and Xander were playing in Ainsley's room.  Well, Ainsley was lining things up--ponies and popit people, to be specific.  What I find interesting is how she's pulled the shelving boxes out of the shelf to create a storage unit for the lined up ponies. Notice how proud she is of the lined up stuff.
Of course, no bout of playing is complete without Xander RUINING IT! Another toy that Ms. A loves is her Pooh puzzle--my mom brought this for her a while ago, and she just can't get enough of it.  She's actually big into puzzles right now as a whole. Of course by looking at the picture, you can see that she's not too keen on an actual picture.  She just likes putting the pieces together.  Xander, by the mere act of crawling toward the pieces, destroyed everything!

Today, however, is what made me realize that the blog needed a posting.  Ainsley fought nap today--as she does most days.  According to Ainsley, napping is for suckers and losers.  She'll fight nap with her DYING BREATH.  We often have to go in there and put her clothes back on her (NAKED is awesome, btw) or settle her down.  As much as she hates bed and nap, she also must be encased in babies--and she knows each and every one--if one is missing, she'll scream nonstop, the Rocky to whatever toy's Stella: "PPPPEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGUUUUIIIIINNNN!!!!"

As I was saying, today, she started getting adamant about being done with bed.  I went into her room to find that she'd started cleaning up her bed...and lining up her babies.  Please to enjoy "Ainsley: I Done Bed."

Also, apparently, Sean had told her that after her nap, she could have ice cream.  Guess who didn't forget that little nugget?

For those of you without sound or if the sound is bad (this was taken with my phone, which is old and not the best quality), the transcript is below:

Me: What are you?
Ainsley: Over there?
M: You put the Christmas book over there, I see that. What else?
A: I put these down there.
M: Are you done?
A: I done bed. I done bed! I DONE BED! I done bed! I DONE! BED! I done bed! I done bed! I hungee now! I hungry! Want some ice cream! There's my Christmas book.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taking the Animals to the "Pospal"

Napping on the pillow
Today, Ainsley is identifying all the pains her animals are having.

She brought me the cheetah: "He hurts his mouff.  His tongue hurt."

Me: "Well, maybe he needs to lay down and take a nap."

The Pospal

Ainsley: "Ok."  She then runs him over to the pillow to lay him down.

Next comes the tiger: "His teeff hurt.  He hurt his teef."

Me: "Maybe he needs to go to the pet hospital."

Ainsley: "Ok." She then runs him to Xander's toy, which is clearly the pet hospital.

We have currently diagnosed approximately 5 of her animals...I feel that the remaining 5 will be diagnosed shortly.

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Dress Up, Momma!"

Today, Ainsley decided to play dress up.  I present to you now...the Ainsley fashion show.
Look 1: Two tiaras

Look 1: Ainsley surprised me with this look.  Luckily, I had the camera next to me.  I was laughing so hard, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get the picture before she got bored with the look...

Look 2: Princess Dora

Look 2: Princess Dora.  Notice that she's allowing Boomer to sit on her throne.

Look 3: Crazy Diva

Look 3:  This is the photo that we'll use as blackmail.  She's all crazy Lindsey Lohan in this picture--sunglasses on inside the house, waving her shoe at me.

Look 3: HRH

Look 3: The heart-shaped glasses are courtesy of Sarah Sandman. She comes by the sass naturally.

Look 4: Butterfly

Bored with the princess/crazy lady look, Ainsley moved onto her butterfly costume.  Gorgeous.

Xander sneaking a nom

Xander snuck away with Ainsley's crown while she was watching the Upside Down show.  He found it to be delicious.

Happy Valentine's Day

Bugs are wonderful!
Sarah came to visit this weekend.  We made Valentine's cookies.  Sarah also gave Ainsley a grasshopper...and she was terrified.  Lucikly, Xander really loves the bug.  Ainsley's torn though--she hates it and runs and cries when it's around, but the idea of Xander having it is also upsetting.  Mostly we just keep the bug put up and let Xander play with it during Ainsley's nap times.

Love Bug!
Ainsley got a few candy treats for Valentine's Day--and an awesome purple monkey.  Xander got a love bug. He felt pretty meh about it.  Oh well...he'll like candy eventually.

Also, apparently all Valentine's Day captions require exclamation points.  Keep that in mind.

Lunch with an Audience


Ainsley woke up a ginormous crank ass today for no discernible reason.  I sat her down (with her magic wand) for her lunch of berries and yogurt--the only thing she'd agree to eat.  

However, what became most important was that her animals all be available to observe HRH eating lunch.  Notice how she changes her attitude when she realizes that her minions are watching her.  This girl is a piece of work.

Ainsley the Photographer

Photo 1: Daddy on the
Photo 2: Living Room Floor
with Toys
Ainsley has started stealing the camera to take pictures.  Somehow, she knows exactly how to turn the camera on and take pictures.  I really don't have more to say about that except that I find her ability to do this astonishing.

I Wanna Feed Him

Hamming it up behind little bro...
Xander's started eating solid food--mostly just oatmeal mixed with baby food.  But he's also gotten into Puffs. Puffs remain awesome. I let Ainsley try some of the oatmeal/squash meal--she rejected that pretty soundly:  "No, thank you."

Ainsley is slightly jealous of X's Puffs. She remembers them and still asks to eat them.  We actually had a Puffs emergency the other day. I was on Facebook and she was quiet...quietly hiding and eating all of Xander's Puffs! She's gotten better though--now she's all about giving him the Puffs: "I wanna feed him."

Xander Wants to Walk So Badly We Can FEEL It

On the belleh

Xander has taken to pulling himself up on anything and everything he can get his body to...a couple weeks ago, Xander army flopped into Ainsley's room and we discovered him doing this...

Slowly getting up...

He can't yet stand on anything, but he's king of pulling himself up and getting onto his knees...and then chillin'.

I think he'll be walking soon. He just watches us and is clearly ticked off that Daddy, Momma, and Ainsley galavant around the house all day on their dumb two legs while he's forced to lay around...I'm pretty sure he thinks it's bullshit.