
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Oh Really?!

Part I:While Sean and I were at Harry Potter tonight, Ainsley got to hang with Sarah Sandman.  Sarah informed me that at one point in the evening, Ainsley imparted this wisdom:

Ainsley: Sarah?

Sarah: Yes?

Ainsley: I can't fly.

Sarah: You can't?

Ainsley: Nope.

Part II: Tonight, while in the bathtub, Xander hit Ainsley.

*sidenote* Lately, Xander's gotten into that phase of getting so excited he flails about and hits...and even more lately, it's becoming less flailing and more actual hitting.

Anyway, so Xander hit Ainsley.

Ainsley was astonished and said to him sternly, "Xander, no hitting!"

And then, the Velociraptor of Irony charged into the bathroom and ate Ainsley.

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