
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Xander Is a Big Boy

Lately, Xander has started moving in leaps and bounds.  It used to be that he would army crawl around the house.  Now he does a right proper crawl.  His most favorite thing to do right now, though, is to pull himself up onto things. The other day, I went to wake him up and decided it'd be a good day to document some cuteness for the Interwebs.  This is how I found him in his bed.  
Seriously, Xander is the happiest damn baby you'll ever meet. He has his crying and fussing moments, but he is So. Chill.  I guess he has to be as a reaction to his sister, Captain Cranky Pants.

Anyway, lately, X is pulling himself up, so when we go to get him out of bed, he's no longer laying around chilling with Max, his Grinch dog. Now he's a Big Boy, standing up and yelling in his crib.  Big Boys stand in their cribs and chew on them.  Big Boys get excited and jump up and down in their cribs and then fall down. Big Boys find that hilarious and lay on their backs laughing.  Oh yeah, being a Big Boy is pretty awesome.

Can you hear the theme to Jaws?
I can.
Xander will pull himself up on anything he can.  I've forgotten what it's like to have an almost 9 month old baby in the house.  Lately, it seems we spend our days chasing after Mr. Big Boy and protecting him from our stuff and our stuff from him.  For example, my table in the living room ("The Mess" as Sean calls it) often will have random bills/mail on it.  Did you know how tasty bills and mail are?  I didn't. But I do now!

Can I haz stairs nao?

Another new discovery Mr. Big Boy has made is the steps.  Right now we have to leave the steps up to our bedroom open because Ms. Fat Blacky Beaner can use her paw to open the door and if she gets stuck up there, she pees on our bed in protest.  Ms. Fatty is a bitch, by the way.

This has allowed Xander to discover the stairs.  He can't crawl up them yet, but he is VERY interested in them.  You may recall Miss A's fascination with the steps (and her fit throwing when I put the gate up to stop her). Xander is no different.  At the moment, he'll just stand at them.  Then sit down and look at me..then stand at them again.  Rinse, repeat for 20 minutes.

Ainsley has the coolest stuff!
Ultimately though, Xander's favorite thing to do is to play in Ainsley's room.  Because A's toys are everywhere, Ainsley's room is a bounty of toys and awesomeness.

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