
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ainsley's Here All Week

Post Robot Negation Reprimand
Ainsley and I went shopping tonight for birthday party ideas. Ni Hao Kai Lan is the winner, by the way. While we were out, Ainsley started working on her stand-up routine.

Bit One
Me: (putting A in her carseat): Are we ready?  Autobot, let's roll out!

A: (After I've gotten into the car): Momma, you call me Ainsley. I not robot.

Bit Two
We decided to hit the Mickey D on the way home for the family.

Me: Do you want apples or French fries with your chicken nuggets?

A: Apples.

Me: Really? That's great...though I'm surprised you don't want French fries.

A: Momma, I ALWAYS want French fries.

*Sad side note* I ordered fries in one Happy Meal and apples in the other so the kids could split them. The Mickey D employees thwarted us...and we were given two fries. Boo.

Forks and Common Sense

Mmmm quesadilla!

A couple days ago, Xander stole Ainsley's fork.  He'd been rocking the finger food his whole life...but suddenly, he decided, "Screw that noise. I'm grown up now."

So, now he's all eating like a human and stuff. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

He's pretty close to being bottle-free as that we've introduced juice (well, 1/2 water, 1/2 juice) into the equation, he's more amenable to the whole situation.

I can rock a sippy cup too, WHAT?!
Other things you may notice in these pictures:

  1. This is yet another picture of Xander eating.
  2. Xander is growing hair.
  3. I still haven't figure out how to get my phone to take a good picture.

Common Sense and 2 Year Olds

It's like she knows she's going to be on the blog.
This morning, while I was fiddling about on FB, I hear Ainsley throwing a proper fit.

A:  MOM!!!

Me: What?

A: MOOOOM!! Come heeeeere!

Me: (comes here) What?

A: I can't get this!!! (she motions to her books and her baby bathtub which she's been using as a barcalounger to make her reading more comfortable)

Me: What are you doing?

A: (squeals in anger) I want this and my books in the libing room. Here, carry my books.

Me: Make two trips. Take your books in first, then come back and get your bathtub.

A: (grins, happy) Ok!

So, if you were to ask my husband...and well, anyone...I have little common sense. But using what little I have to help my daughter made me proud.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lazy Painting Sunday

Totally not the sign of a scattered mind (or minds)
As I mentioned on the FB today, Ainsley and I fingerpainted. We used the Color Wonder Fingerpaints that Aunt Kat bought for A last Christmas. These finger paints are awesome; once you paint on the paper, it sets the color--so colors don't blend on paper (they do if you mix the paint before putting it on the paper, FYI). I highly recommend them for kids who love to fingerpaint, but wig out if they mix every color together in their hands but don't like their paintings to be all brown.

Flowers and swirls...we stick with what we know

We've spent the morning being lazy. I'm avoiding working on my stuff for classes which start tomorrow. Ainsley started asking to paint as soon as she got up. I told her she had to wait for Xander to go down for a he's mess without faux paint...I'm just not going there.

Once Xander went down, we started watching The Frog Princess and painting.  I saw this on Pinterest and was inspired to try it out.

First Try

Our first try was mostly just playing with our hand prints. She picked the colors for our hands: blue for Ainsley, green for Momma. As we were letting it dry, Ainsley decided that it needed more green...and painted on my green hand print. .

I'm going to try to not consider the symbolism of her trying to blot me out so only her hand prints remain. It took a while for me to get her to understand that if she paints green on my green hands they disappear.

If at first you don't succeed...
Try, try again

This is our second try...pretty successful! It's totally going up in my office.  It's also giving me all sorts of ideas for projects...YAY!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cute-lette: Oh really?

Trying to scale the crib.
Every morning when the kids get up, invariably, one kiddo will sleep longer than the other. There is no rhyme or reason to who sleeps longer when. Regardless, when whoever is second wakes up, the early riser must assist me in getting his/her sibling.

It seems that when Ainsley wakes Xander, cute slapstick stuff happens.  When Xander wakes Ainsley, it's normally just plain funny. 

Example: this morning.  

Me: Good morning, Ainsley.
Ainsley: I WAKE UP!

[Xander walks into Ainsley's room.]

Ainsley: Xander's trying to kill me!!

And then, for those of you that remember this, you'll understand why the Velociraptor of Irony came in and ate her.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to Hell...I mean Texas

This, by the way, is
So, we're in Texas...and if you aren't aware, Texas has had 32 100+ days this year. (Tell me again that climate change isn't real.)

Yesterday, Ainsley wanted to go outside to do bubbles. To the right, you can see the temperature--at 7pm.  Actually, there were nights that the low here was in the high 90s. Ahhh TX.

Anyway, I went out on the porch to do bubble with Ainsley. As I sat on the porch slowly melting, Ainsley bubbled away. After about 10 minutes, I had grand fears of passing out due to heat exhaustion and then Ainsley going and drowning in Fred and Kelly's pool.  At that point, I started to try to cajole the rugrat inside.

Me: It's pretty hot out. Maybe we should go inside.

A: No! I blow bubbles!

Me: Yeah, but look, sweety, Mommy is disintegrating.

She's this hot and sweaty
after 10 minutes.
A: No!! Let's do bubbles! Here Momma! (She shoves a bubble wand at me.)

Me: I don't want to blow bubbles right now.

A: (running to me with a crazed look) YEAH! Let's do bubbles! It's FUN!, ok?

Me: (desperate) Maybe we should go inside and have a few Yum Yums?

A: No!! Let's blow bubbles!  (spins her wand around) SEE!  Let's blow bubbles!  Sounds fun? Yeah! Sounds fun, Momma.

I gave up and we blew bubbles for another 10 minutes before I had to bribe her inside with promises of swimming in her future.