
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Rapunzel Is Influential

Busy, busy hair
This morning, Ainsley and I fought with her hair again. She has been cursed with my hair, so it's always knotty and horrible. I try to make combing her hair fun. I talk about how the knots are in her head and we have to kick them out with the tangle spray and the comb every day. If we don't, they'll make more and more.

When I was talking about brushing her hair today, she said, "Like Rapunzel?"

"Yes, we'll brush and brush and brush and brush your hair!" I sang to her.

"I want a braid!"

"Like Rapunzel?"

"Yes! And barrettes."

Of course, I deemed this blog worthy, so I asked her to take her picture. This was her response.


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