
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Twilight Hour

Since summer has come, I've had weirdly sporadic free time to play with the kids. One such time is what I call (in my head and now here) the Twilight Hour. After the kids get up from their nap, they play for a bit. Then a couple hours later, while Sean's making dinner, the kids and I will sometimes play in Ainsley's room. I call it the Twilight Hour b/c it's normally right as the sun's setting when we do this...

Mostly the play involves me lying on the floor while the kids jump and crawl all over me like crazy chilluns. The other night, though, I brought my phone in the room with me and captured some cuteness.

Ainsley Is Daring
One of her new things is Ainsley's desire to jump off of things.  Notice how meticulous she is about climbing and jumping. 

Xander Mimics His Sister
In the eyes of Xander, the only thing cooler than Ainsley is NOTHING.  After she abandoned the bike jumping for some serious puzzle playing, Xander got his big boyness up on the bike.

Ainsley Is a Crazy Person
I'd like to point out that at not point in this day did Ainsley get a Scarfacian pile of sugar, but this still happened.

1 comment:

Erin said...

"That makes you happy." So cute!