
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nerd Parents

"I angry."
As I've posted before, Ainsley has been big into painting.  Right now, she's very monochromatic. She's already had her red period. Right now she's moving into a blue period.  This morning, we had this exchange.

A: Momma! Want new paper!

Me: If you're painting this for Grandma and Grandpa, they like more colors.

A: No.

Me: You're not painting this for Grandma and Grandpa?

A: NO.

Me: Well, you have all this room on the paper left to fill. You're too young to understand the value of negative space.

Sean (from the kitchen): You don't know...maybe she's a prodigy.


While I was writing this blog post, I appeased her by giving her some animal crackers and telling her she wasn't going to get new paper until she filled her page more.  This is the result.

"Momma, I want more
light up blue."

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