
Monday, May 30, 2011

My Puzzle Pieces!

Action shot
So, for those of you wondering where the blog has been, you should know that I'm taking a daily class in Muncie over the next few weeks while I'm teaching for IPFW.  So, ya know, pressed for time.

We spent this weekend—what I've dubbed Pajama Weekend—recharging. Sean ran a bunch of errands, one of which was a trip to Target that resulted in a new puzzle holder.  Ainsley's gotten VERY into puzzles lately, and in an effort to keep her stuff together, we got her an organizer.

Now, mind you, these puzzles and the organizer are for Ainsley and Xander. But if you were to ask Ainsley, it is hers.

When Sean came home, this exchange occurred:

Sean:  This is for you and Xander to hold your puzzles.

Ainsley: It's MINE.

Sean: Yours and Xander's. You have to share it with Xander.

Ainsley: Yeah, MINE.

Rinse and repeat for about 2-3 minutes.

Cut to our post-pool hangin' out session.  Ainsley is playing with the puzzles, and Xander has just woke up.

Because everything Ainsley does is awesome, Xander makes a bee-line for her.  Of course, that results in Ainsley screaming "MY PUZZLE PIECES!" at the top of her lungs in that weird dolphin-decibel squeal.

How Xander plays puzzle
We convinced her to share a couple puzzles with Xander. At first she gave him the boring shapes puzzle until we convinced her that she'd have a better shot at his not bothering her if she gave him a more interesting one.

So she gave him the farm.  To the right is Xander's answer to "playing puzzle." NOM NOM NOM NOM

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