
Monday, May 9, 2011

MY PARK!! Part Deux: Parklectric Boogalo

Action shot!
 As many of you know, I've been busy—hellabusy.

I had just submit my IPFW grades today (with 40 minutes to spare!), when I realized that the zoo that I'd promised Ainsley after her nap wasn't going to happen.  I needed to walk, so I decided to take the kids to the park.

When Ainsley woke up from her nap—before we even put her glasses on, she said, "Let's go park! Let's slide!"

"Sure! Let's go!" I said. I gathered up our jackets and the stroller and got us out the door.  Ainsley wanted to walk, so I had her hold onto the strap and walk alongside the stroller.

As we passed random people on the sidewalk or working in their yards, Ainsley would say, "I going PARK!  Come on!"

Once we got to the park, Xander decided that he should continue his mulch eating festivities and Ainsley revived her love of the slide.  Oh, by the way, Xander can now crawl up stairs, which makes the playground a bit more hazardous.  JOY!

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