
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ainsley: The Diffuser

This morning, I worked out--which I hate.  Then I helped the kids open some presents from my mom. I went two hours without eating breakfast.  For those of you that know me, this nutrition omission is the equivalent of throwing C4 onto a pile of dynamite encased in Wylie-Coyote-style bombs.

I try really hard not to show my anger in front of the kids.  I am successful approximately 30 percent of the time.

Big hugs
As I was making some eggs for breakfast this morning, I tried to open the dishwasher--and the silverware compartment busted open and threw dirty silverware all over the dishwasher.  I let out a string of colorful obscenities.

"What's wrong, Momma?"  CRAP.  I didn't know Ainsley was in the kitchen with me.

"The dishwasher has upset Momma," I explained trying to rein it in.

"OK," she seemed to either dismiss the obscenities or have moved on to play with her kitchen magnets--regardless, I was off the hook.

Then as I was finishing breakfast and putting it on the plate, my fork fell onto the floor.  Now, for some of you, this might only require bending over, picking it up, rinsing it off, and moving on.  For me, this was the final straw.  I began to build up into a Hulk SMASH like rage.  I was about to stomp or growl or something because I knew my normal string of obscenities shouldn't be uttered in front of the wee when I felt something on my leg.

I looked down and there was Ainsley wrapped around my leg, "BIG HUGS! Momma!"  In an instant, my kid diffused my anger with Big Hugs.  I gave her some Big Hugs back.  She pointed to her lips and said, "Kisses."

I gave her kisses, got our breakfast, went to the big chair to have coffee, eat breakfast and watch some Upside Down Show.  I am now calmer--all thanks to Ainsley: The Diffuser...and some nourishment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwww. Got teary-eyed when I read this. So sweet. :) Hope you're having a better day now. It's amazing how far those little kisses and hugs can carry you through the day. -Steph