
Monday, January 17, 2011

The Importance of Audience

Xander has recently learned to sit up on his own.  He can't really get into the sitting position--he still needs help with that.  But if he's put in a sitting position, he can maintain it for an extended period of time.  It's currently his 2nd favorite way to be--2nd to standing up using Momma or Daddy's hands for support.  He's pretty inelegant about how he moves from the sitting position to the prone position.  There's no consistency: he can end up on his back or on his belleh.  However, it's usually done haphazzardly.
Why, yes, I know exactly
what I'm doing.

Today, he was sitting on his blanket (as we have hard wood floors and I keep the heater low) and he Ate. It.  His noggin made quite a boom.  Because he's my second child, I knew better than to rush to him cooing and ahhing.  Ainsley benefit from that fretting a bit much and now she's a wee drama queen.  I did, however, walk over to him to see if this noggin bump was really an issue.  He threw quite the fit.  Crying.  Fussing. Real. Tears.  So, I picked him up and comforted him.

Just now, Blanket: Take 2 Electric Bugaloo.  Xander eats it in a similarly remarkable fashion.  I'm reading a *scintilating* article about rhetoric from 1978 and stuck in my chair so I can't walk over to him.  His reaction: NOTHING.  As a matter of fact, right now he's crawling after one of his toys under the table.

My point?  Anyone with kids knows that a child is more likely to cry or feign pain/illness/whatever in front of Momma and Daddy.  I just find it interesting how early we become aware of audience.

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