
Saturday, October 15, 2011

ABC Spaghetti-Os!

The Difference 21 Months Can Make

For today's pajama day, Xander as been removed from his pajamas for lunchtime, as today they finish a can of ABC Spaghetti-Os I bought A when she was sick. (I'd prefer to just buy ABC pasta & serve it with other stuff if possible as Spaghetti-Os are gross.) Ms. A is a much daintier eater now...letter by letter she eats this. But most importantly...SHE EATS IT.

Then I remembered when Ainsley was this age, I fed her some ravioli babyfood and she had a similar approach. They're about the same age in the high chair pictures above. Sometimes I think my kids look very similar and other times, not so much. In this one, I think they couldn't look much more different.

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