
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lazy Painting Sunday

Totally not the sign of a scattered mind (or minds)
As I mentioned on the FB today, Ainsley and I fingerpainted. We used the Color Wonder Fingerpaints that Aunt Kat bought for A last Christmas. These finger paints are awesome; once you paint on the paper, it sets the color--so colors don't blend on paper (they do if you mix the paint before putting it on the paper, FYI). I highly recommend them for kids who love to fingerpaint, but wig out if they mix every color together in their hands but don't like their paintings to be all brown.

Flowers and swirls...we stick with what we know

We've spent the morning being lazy. I'm avoiding working on my stuff for classes which start tomorrow. Ainsley started asking to paint as soon as she got up. I told her she had to wait for Xander to go down for a he's mess without faux paint...I'm just not going there.

Once Xander went down, we started watching The Frog Princess and painting.  I saw this on Pinterest and was inspired to try it out.

First Try

Our first try was mostly just playing with our hand prints. She picked the colors for our hands: blue for Ainsley, green for Momma. As we were letting it dry, Ainsley decided that it needed more green...and painted on my green hand print. .

I'm going to try to not consider the symbolism of her trying to blot me out so only her hand prints remain. It took a while for me to get her to understand that if she paints green on my green hands they disappear.

If at first you don't succeed...
Try, try again

This is our second try...pretty successful! It's totally going up in my office.  It's also giving me all sorts of ideas for projects...YAY!

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