
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Visit to Portage

Tired boy passes
out on Aunt Jill
We went to Portage the weekend before Easter to visit family.  It'd been a while since Xander had gotten to see much of the extended family--my awesome aunts and uncles. We had family coming to visit from West Virginia, some of whom I'd never met and some of whom I hadn't seen since 1993. So, even though I had a mountain of grading and work to do for my classes, the kids and I trekked out.  You rank, Faubers!

Before the WV crew arrived, we had an informal shindig with some family. Ainsley is still going through her awesome selfish phase, so every toy in the house was HERS and if an adult looked at it or played with it, she was fine.  However, if MaKayla even breathed near it, Ainsley squealed to the dolphins.  I should add that I didn't *bring* any toys, so all the toys that Ainsley was metaphorically peeing all over were ones that Jessica brought over so that the kids could play with things.  That's right, Ainsley was being selfish with MaKayla's OWN TOYS.  I was so proud.

Selfishness: In Action
*side note* Look, I know the selfishness is a phase, and I know that it's a sign of her confidence that she will assert herself with anyone and everyone (and yes I know where she gets that from, tyvm), but when she does it with other people's things, I start to worry that I haven't grown a confident little girl, but I've grown a bully.  This is also partially my baggage. I remember my cousins telling me when I was preteenish that I used to be "so bossy." I'm gonna give it another year; by then Xander will be big enough to assert himself with her and I think The. World. Will. Change. for little Miss A.

Forcing some sharing on Ms. A

So, my kids love men.  I understand this and know where they get it from—kids prefer the gender of their primary caregivers.

Grandpa Lee Roy has finally grown comfortable with Mr. Xander.  (Lee is nervous around tiny babies...Xander has moved into the age of hardcore Grandpa doting. This is never more prevalent when we go to Portage though.  While Xander is a Momma's Boy (in all of the good sense of the terms), he still digs hanging with Grandpas and Daddys.

Ainsley, being a big ole Daddy's Girl, has always preferred the company of men.  She particularly loves my cousin Jake. He's just the right kind of cornball for Miss A.

*side note part deux* A part of me doesn't want to have another kid.  Sean and I each have "one of our own." Plus I don't want the grown ups to be outnumbered by the wee ones.  We don't know if we're having anymore...there aren't any plans at this point in time.

On the other hand, both of my kids were enchanted by Beth's girls. Taylor particularly.  Taylor's at that perfect age of being a kid enough to still like fiddling and playing with them but being grown up enough that they feel like she's a grown up. (My kids also prefer adults to children.  I'm sure that'll get socialized out of them once school starts.)  You can see the abject joy each of them had with Ms. Taylor.

Bike riding is cold.
Homeless chic
Question: What trip to Grandma's is complete without a trip outside?  No trip!  Even though it was pretty cold out, Grandma and Ainsley got bundled up to do a little bike riding.  Xander and Momma stayed inside because we aren't Crazy People.

Bracelets were part of Ainsley's Easter basket from Grandma.
When we got home, this is how she decided to "play" with them.


EPR said...

Yeah, Charles is totally in that selfish phase. Makes me crazy. And he always seems to turn it on when he's near the nicest kids in Louisiana. Anyway, don't let it get you down, J!

Jenn Stewart said...

Oh, E, it makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER to see you type that! I keep telling myself it's a phase and fighting it...but it's not unlike pissing in the wind!