
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Xander's Babies

So, as you may have noticed from the sleepin' babies series, our kids love their babies. Ainsley has a set three that she loves (she'll move additional babies in and out of sequence, but the original three remain)...and now Xander has his own three babies that he loves.

Happy, happy boy.
He's attached himself to the big bunny, Beebee. But this last week, Scout, the LeapFrog dog that Grandma and Grandpa Stewart got him for his first Christmas, and Ainsley's Care Bear, a Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa Parker for that same Christmas, have joined the ranks. I find it really weird that both kids have three babies and that Ainsley has essentially given up the Care Bear. I guess she understands baby love.

Tired beebee
He's also doing this new thing that is so adorable it almost makes me want to have more kids...until I remember how much I hate being pregnant. The last few days between about 12 and 1, he'll bring his three babies and climb into the chair to sit with me. Then, he'll fall asleep. It's so cute I can't stand it, and I won't put him down for nap earlier because I love it so much.

I'm selfish. Sue me.

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