
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sleeping Babies

So, I started this thing a couple weeks ago. I started taking pictures of the kids asleep before I went to bed (or once, when I forgot, when I woke up before them). I thought I'd see how long I could go. Then I though I could share the pictures, sort of like a 365 Stewarts sleeping. I'm not diligent enough to add everyday, so I'll just do it every so often. 

*side note* As I worked on this blog post, I discovered something WEIRD. Even though they're in different rooms, they're often in the same position when I take the picture (which, in most cases, occurs within 2-3 minutes of one another). People have asked me if they're twins before...but this is too weird.

November 6: Flanked with Babies

November 7: Stretched Out Stewarts

November 8: Lovin' Babies

November 9: Ainsley as Scarlet O'Hara, Xander as Pillbug

November 10: Babies Hiding Faces 

November 11: Tuckered Out at Grandma and Grandpa's

November 12: Even MORE Tuckered Out at Grandma and Grandpa's

November 13: Home at Last...and Ridonkulously Tired

November 14: Babies with Babies

November 15: Contortionist Sleepers

November 16: Fetal Position Stewarts

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