
Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Wake Up!

Thanks, Kid. No, Really...

The last couple of months, Ainsley has started waking us up using a new method. In the past, when she woke up, most of the time she'd play with her toys for a while. We'd hear her on the monitor and have a leisurely morning wake up.

Now, however, she's taken to screaming at the top of her lungs:


Don't think it doesn't piss me off that it's "Mom!" she screams and not "Dad!" WTF?!

Normally, I'm already awake with Xander, so this isn't too startling. But occasionally, Xander will let me sleep in--and it's on those mornings that the monitor scares the crap out of me.

Yesterday, when Ainsley WAKE UP!!, I went downstairs and discovered exactly how much my daughter she is.  Check this awesome hair.  I'm pretty certain that my family has very similar pictures of me (and my awesome hair) like this at her age.

Also, sorry about that kid...our hair kinda sucks.

And Now for a Little Xander

After waking up, Ainsley decided it was time to go get Little Brother.  Per her usual, she asked to be put in Xander's bed.  This time, however, she did not try to lay on him and smother him in his bed.  Instead, she felt it necessary to show how she could pick her nose. Xander, in turn, offered up some pretty solid scrunchy face.

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