
Monday, March 30, 2009

Six Freakin' Months!!!

So, Thursday, Ainsley will be six months old. I cannot believe this.

This month, Ainsley's grandma, Aunts Jill, Jessy, and Jamie came to visit.

Ainsley can now roll from front to back and from back to front. She has yet to figure out that she can get places by rolling around...Sean's thankful for that right now. She's also discovered that her feet are awesome.

Ms. A has also started to expand her diet with baby food. I tried using our food mill, but she doesn't like the texture, so we're staying with store bought for now. She likes squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots. She finds peas and green beans icky, but will eat them if they're mixed with rice cereal.

Ainsley lost a grandma this month. Jeanna lost her battle to ALS on March 13. We were very sad, but grateful that Ainsley got to meet her Grammy at Christmas.

While we were in Texas for Grammy's funeral, Ainsley got to hang out with her cousin Madison. She found Madison to be the coolest thing ever.

We also took a trip to the Fort Worth Stock Yards. Ainsley saw a cattle drive and was able to "ride" on a longhorn. She seemed pretty unimpressed. We did discover, however, that she does not like the sun.

Again, Madison is cool.

Aunt Kat, Madison, Ainsley, and I had a girls' day out to the zoo. It was quite fun.

Ainsley was able to visit with her Great Mimi (Grammy Jeanna's mom) while in Texas as well.

Hanging out with Aunt Kat.

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