She's had quite a thrilling week since our last post.
As you can see, Boomer still loves his baby.
This was Ms. A's "costume."
Momma and baby "gave out candy" at Aunt Sarah's. Mostly we sat on the porch (it was a WONDERFUL Indian summer evening) and watch the kiddies come to Sarah's.
On Nov. 1, Aunt Jill came for a visit. Ainsley enjoyed napping with Jill.
That evening, Ainsley had her first public adventure. Momma and Ainsley went to Frank and Rebecca's Halloween Party. Momma was "New Momma" wearing a robe and looking generally frazzled. Ainsley was "Cute". :D She got to hang out with Aunt Karen again. (Check out that face she's making!!)
She also got to meet Ripley "Tinkerbell" Merritt and Frank "Fat Elvis" Merritt.
She also had fun hanging out with Suzanne. Ainsley enjoyed everyone cooing over the cute tiny baby.
On November 2, Ainsley turned a month old. So, I decided it was time for a baby photo shoot (not like everyday in our house isn't a baby photo shoot!).
The photo shoot got so exhausting, she fell asleep!
I've deemed this the "who farted" photo. It was almost name the "Oh no you di'in't" photo.
One day, I will have an entire photo album of Ainsley yawning.
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