Huzzah! Ainsley's two weeks old today!
She's currently napping in her bassinet next to me as her dad is installing new fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house.
Ainsley has had a pretty good week. She got some visitors on Saturday and Monday--as evidenced by the previous post. She's working hard on trying to hold her head up. She actually can toss her head around quite a bit (something she's done since birth), but now she's working more on control.
Her cord fell off on Saturday, but we're unsure if her belly button is going to be an innie or outie yet. I'm thinking innie.
Sean and I are getting into a pretty solid routine. I have another four weeks of maternity leave before we mess with our schedule. I had my first all by myself excursion yesterday--I ran to work, Kohls (for some breastfeeding shirts...I had NONE), and the grocery. I was gone for about 2-2 1/2 hours...and I didn't have any huge Ainsley separation anxiety...which I think bodes well.
Ok. Now for what you're really here for...PICTURES!!
Her SUPERCUTE yawning again!
She loves to have her hands by her face when she sleeps.
Yes, those are my Kermit Christmas pjs...and I'm on maternity leave and I'll wear what I want!
Doing a little Southern Belle.
I'm not sure what this is about...but it CRACKS ME UP.
Now, I've fiddled with the video feature of our camera...and this is for the Ainsley diehards only. She doesn't really do anything in this video but look at me. :D Though she does have a bit of a smile in it.
My last post was a painful display of my inability to spell.
Ahem... what I said was:
That last pic looks like Dr. Evil... which seems appropriate.
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