
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cute-lette: Oh really?

Trying to scale the crib.
Every morning when the kids get up, invariably, one kiddo will sleep longer than the other. There is no rhyme or reason to who sleeps longer when. Regardless, when whoever is second wakes up, the early riser must assist me in getting his/her sibling.

It seems that when Ainsley wakes Xander, cute slapstick stuff happens.  When Xander wakes Ainsley, it's normally just plain funny. 

Example: this morning.  

Me: Good morning, Ainsley.
Ainsley: I WAKE UP!

[Xander walks into Ainsley's room.]

Ainsley: Xander's trying to kill me!!

And then, for those of you that remember this, you'll understand why the Velociraptor of Irony came in and ate her.

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