
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Ainsley Isobel Stewart Is Three Years Old!!

Post-party, the decorations remain vigilant.
Ni Hao, Kai Lan!!

So, it's almost 10pm. I've been up since God decided to create the universe...I'm so tired I could punch someone in the face...and yet here I am blogging Ainsley's 3rd birthday party.  Why? Because I know if I don't now, it likely will be Ainsley's 4th birthday before I get around to it.

So, this year Ainsley really wanted a Ni Hao Kai Lan birthday party...and I'm here to oblige.  I hit Party City and busted out the Kai Lan gear. I didn't tell her that's what I'd done, but when we got ready to show her the decorations (she played in her room with Aunt Jill while I put up decorations), I asked her, "What kind of party do you think you'll have?"
Let's go, go, GO!

She whispered, "Kai Lan."

Me: "Why Kai Lan?"

A: "Because I like her." *melt*

When we took her into the dining/living room, she got so excited she had to go back into the bedroom and squeal with excitement.

*sidenote* This year I made Ainsley's cake. I bought a cake decorating kit at Michaels, a toy from Amazon, and crossed my fingers. It ended up turning out ok. I consider it a phenomenal success considering it's my first real attempt at decorating. The handwriting was a bit janky, but all in all, PASS.

Ainsley Is Loved

Cousin Kaelynn and Xander
We had a packed house for the party. Most of my immediate family was able to attend, which is pretty extensive: my grandma, Mom, sisters Jill, Jessy, Kellyn, Alysee, and SIL Sarah, brother Joel, Dad, stepmomma Debbie, aunt Sarah. The only ones who couldn't make it were Sean who's overseas, Lee Roy who was being Batman (as Tom would say) and Jamie who had a scheduling mix up. Ainsley's invitees were at 50 percent ("Cafween, Awee, and Cawen" were there..."Faif"was out of town). Cafween brought hubby Rich along as well. My guess is Rich doesn't get singled out because he was, you know, working while we had our pool dates this summer. ;)

I think I have about 200 different shots
of this pose throughout A's 3 years
It was great fun to see that Ainsley was more willing to share her balloons and toys this year with cousins (Kaelynn and MaKayla)...she was also hopped up on "it's my birthday" crack, so she was nicer than normal...or maybe she's becoming a big girl. It's hard to say.

"I Have A Secret!"

Ainsley to the candle: Are you
lookin' at ME?!
After the obligatory singing of Happy Birthday, there was, of course, cake and ice cream. Xander didn't have a plate of either, instead he played the look how cute I am! GIVE ME CAKE, MO'FO! card. It worked really well. I'm pretty certain he ate a metric ton of cake and ice cream.  

Ainsley still isn't comfortable blowing out the candle, so I had to help out. While we all ate and were merry, the aunts got Ainsley, Xander, and Kaelynn involved in a rambunctious game of "I Have a Secret."  The premise of the game is as follows:

Aunt Sarah calls an unsuspecting bystander over because "Ainsley has a secret." Upon our going over, Ainsley tosses out a completely unexpected "AAAAHHHH BOO!" The "aahhh boo" is what Ainsley used to do to Xander when he was a teeny little brother; it was her way of playing with him before he could do things like sit on her and immobilize her, so it was sweet to see her bust out the "aahhh boo" again.

Don't hate on my party hat!

Have You Seen My Shoes?!

These shoes are sparkly AND
light up, WHAT?!
The gift opening process was a long one...people love Ainsley a lot. She got a great variety of toys—everything from My Little Ponies to awesome art supplies—and clothes—warm ones, which she greatly needed.  She loves everything...but she was particularly fond of her shoes. She got functional shoes, and slippers, and a crap ton of dress up shoes. I have a feeling Sean and I will be picking up shoes forever.
This is what a metric ton of
dress up shoes look like.

Notice her examining the sparkly, light up shoes. I consider it a victory that she isn't wearing them to bed tonight!

Anyway, present opening was pretty funny. She was GEEKED. At one point, Cathleen was certain that she was going to fall/dive into one of her gift bags.

Tell Them "Thank You"
I'd like to thank my fans!

So, this year, I made a bigger point of making Ainsley thank people for her presents—mostly because I know I'm not going to be doing thank yous. This public thank you suffices, right?  So, each time I told her to thank whomever, she'd look at them and smile. I felt that wasn't enough, so I'd prod her, "Tell them 'Thank You,' sweetie."

Her reaction?  She'd wave her hand and them and be ubercute.  We all deemed that an appropriate response.

She's a Girly Girl...In Case You Were Wondering

I know I've talked bout gender stuff in this blog before, but look at this picture. Things to notice:

> Rapunzel dress
> Tiara for Grandma
> Tea set
> Jewels

Thanks to everyone for making the party AWESOME! And happy birthday to my monster of a little girl. I love you more than I could ever express on a blog or with words or with hugs or with kisses or with candy or with toys or with trips to the zoo or with kitties or puppies. To the moon and back again, I love you, kid.

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