
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Momma: The Xanderbender

I mentioned on FB yesterday that Xander has become fascinated with Avatar: The Last Airbender. Xander watches TV is spurts...sometimes he'll be into something for a full 3-5 minutes, and others, he's just off doing his thing, zoning in and out. But when I put this show on, he was transfixed. 

So we've been watching episodes in the morning...and this morning after he had a dirty diaper, and I needed him to sit still so I could clean him up, I decided to bend him. Like any good bender, I started by doing my moves (which were accompanied by a whooshing noise), then I gave him a "BOOM!" This is the prime move in Xanderbending.  After I did a few practice moves, Xander started throwing his arms up, making a whooshing noise, and attempting to bend too. I'm not sure exactly what kind of bending skill he has, maybe he's a Mommabender...

Regardless, I later got some video of his initial bending moves. Please to enjoy.

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